Thursday 29 November 2012

David Bailey of Jack Nicholsons's Portrait

This artwork was made by David Bailey and the artwork is called "Jack Nicholson". Bailey is a british photographer. He was born in 1938 but he mainly came out in the 1960's. The theme of the work looks like its a movie but Bailey has taken photos with a digital camera as the movie was being made. The reason i assumed that was because i don't think someone can hold their face like that for such a long time. Also, this photo looks like Nicholson is shouting at someone and because the character from "The Shining" goes insane. This then represents an insane man because the character looks angry.
Jack Nicholson is a Actor which he then shows many facial expressions and this helps Bailey because a 'normal' person may not be able to make such emotions as Nicholson.
The photo has been taken with deliberation and has been exaggerated. The reason it has been deliberately taken is because of the way the light is shining on his face this shows that Bailey may have wanted this shot of Nicholson. Being a character in a movie you have to exaggerate in the photo or movie and Nicholson's photo expresses that.
The meaning of the photo is obvious but the photographer has made it obvious for the audience to know what the character is doing but then because it is a photo the audience may think "is he angry" "is he shouting" and other thoughts so it makes the audience want to think about the photo.

This photo has been framed as a close up shot and is a portrait photo and the orientation of the photo is portrait. The portrait is a central image to the photo frame. In this photo Bailey took black and white Portrait with the light shining on Nicholson's face with a white background. In the photo there is highlights and shadows which highlights Nicholson's wrinkles This photo can represent shouting"Here's Johnny", Pain or Anger.
The photo looks a bit toned or contrasty because of the light shinning on one side of his face. This shows a dark side and a light side. This then can represent that Nicholson has two different personalities. As the photo shows its clearly not a happy photo, it makes people want to know why this man may be angry? and may want grab peoples attention to watch the movie.

In the 80's they did not have the same technology as now such as, No digital camera, strong lighting from the side, Fast shutter to capture movements and many more things. I think Baileys photo was planned but i don't think the exact shot was planned but because the photo came out with excellent quality he decided to use the photo. I think Bailey used dramatic lighting which had an effect on one side of Nicholson's face, close up on the camera, a stand which gave the photo a central look. Bailey may have used selective developing such as, being thin the dark room to process the photo and give it a more of a contrast look.

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