Monday 26 November 2012

Andre Kertez & Edward Weston Comparison

The picture of the pepper is made by Edward Watson who was born in Chicago but then later moved to California. This photo has a soft focus which then shows it is soft, smooth and not hard or sharp. The blur to the photo is really common in the 19th - 20th century for him. The soft focus has an effect to the blur because it makes the pepper stand out which especially because it has more lines in the pepper this shows the pepper is organic. Watson suffered from Parkinson's disease and died in 1958.

The picture if the the fork and the side of the plate was made by Andre Kertez. His inspiration was from magazine photos. Kertez had four different periods through out his life these periods were called the Hungarian period, the French period, the American period and the International period. 

However, both of the pictures look like modern day photos. They both look natural but Watsons photo has more of a intense look to the photo. As i first looked at the photo i thought it was boxing gloves that  were zoomed into the camera. Where as, in the Kertez' picture its a more 'everyday life' theme.

In both photos the type of editing the photographers use is a close up. In the pepper photo the lighting of the photo has a dark shadow at the back of the photo which may show that the light may be placed in the centre and straight at the pepper because at the bottom of the pepper you can see light shinning onto the pepper. The fork photo has a more contrast to the photo because there is light shinning at the side of the image which shows a more detail structure to the plate than the paper, it also has a shine to the fork and shows the plate.

Personally Kertez' photo was better than Watsons because of contrast and focus it has on the Digital camera. It also has a shine on the fork which makes the photo look beautiful with different types of highlights. On the other hand, the photo of the pepper has a dull background and its hard to recognise what the photo actually is but the texture of the photo is amazing.

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